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Sales Effectiveness INCREVEN
Sales Effectiveness INCREVEN

INCREVEN is an enterprise solution that integrates the most significant elements in Sales Force effectiveness.

Few times companies address the need to increase and accelerate sales from a holistic point of view. At OZER, we recognize this need and we offer an integral business model that address factors that have a greater contribution or impact to the sales force performance and that if established properly it creates positive and sustainable benefits. These factors are the following:

A) The ideal sales process, which includes the E2E process from sales planning to post sale service and loyalty creation and development of new business

B) Sales quotas establishment and the statistic correlation with the mix of base salary and variable incentives

C) Sales force deployment and territory assignment

D) A development program based on the competencies model where we recognize abilities, behaviors, and characteristics of top performers and from there we design and develop learning models to transfer know how and best practices

Our business model recognizes that a sales force is successful and productive when these four elements are defined and established effectively. Even when there are other important elements such as Leadership, the percentage of time allocated to administrative tasks, experience, sales tools etc. the contribution of these factors to the success of the sales force is in a lower proportion.

Our business model is based on experience, analysis, benchmarking and built under the Six Sigma platform (Six Sigma is a business strategy, which is based on statistics, quality methods, and reengineering processes, and seeks excellence in critical business processes and with a customer satisfaction approach)